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Raquel Dezidério Souto's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Raquel Dezidério Souto

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Using a 3d mesh to support more accurate mapping with slum communities in Sierra Leone

Congratulations for this initiative! Are these imagens hosted in OpenAerialMap? Another question is if Field Mapping Tasking Manager worked 100% or there was some problem/dificult… Thank you so much.

A vegetação brasileira no OpenStreetMap - uma proposta de correspondência do Sistema Fisionômico Ecológico do IBGE com as etiquetas OSM

Olá, Pedro Grata pela documentação, você pode publicar na WeeklyOSM, pois seria útil a outras pessoas. Se você não souber ainda como submeter conteúdo lá, veja o item 1.1-How to submit content to weeklyOSM? em Tem um sistema de submissão, em que você mesmo edita a “notícia” que sairá no domingo subsequente, de acordo com o calendário da equipe que mantém a WeeklyOSM. Parabéns pelo trabalho!

Plutôt des routes que des bâtiments pour la première cartographie en salle des débutants OSM / Roads rather than buildings for a first indoor mapping beginner activity / Estradas em vez de edifícios para uma primeira sessão de mapeamento indoor

Merci, Séverin :)

Mapeamento humanitário e OpenStreetMap

Olá, pedrito1414

I only saw your message today, sorry for the delay! Thank you for your support. Yes, I’m interested in the scientific aspect too (in addition to the humanitarian issue, obviously). In the sense of how data and information are organized and made available in this context of the management for the disaster risk reduction (DRR). Web mapping is my actual research focus and we are developing a methodology for this. Regards.

Mapear POI no OpenStreetMap e exibir dinamicamente com uMap

Prezado Pedro, O projeto OpenOffice tornou-se, na verdade, o ‘Apache OpenOffice’, incorporando o servidor web Apache. Nestes anos, surgiu realmente o LibreOffice, mas não como substituto do OpenOffice (ao contrário do que diz a Wikipedia), mas como uma suíte de escritório adicional. De todo modo, vou acrescentar o LibreOffice no texto, que é o pacote que é oferecido nos repositórios de pacotes que as pessoas procuram para instalação mais simplificada - synaptic, outros… Grata. Veja e

Initier à OSM via la cartographie de terrain / Introduction to OSM through field mapping / Introdução ao OSM através de cartografia no campo
  • You present… I can not edit my comment… regards.
Initier à OSM via la cartographie de terrain / Introduction to OSM through field mapping / Introdução ao OSM através de cartografia no campo

Hi, Séverin

You presents a very inportant question…

Did you know? I thought that YouthMappers was producing data for Microsoft Buildings or other mapping companies, like TomTom or Kaart (?), because all of they propose to us (in that moment, I was a newbie) was mapping buildings…

They said: “it is because you are newbie, do not understand OSM very well”… OK, but it did not show “WHY” mapping buildings… For example, mapping buildings is important to various temathic mappings, as that focused on “heat islands” in urban areas or on the capacity of soil to absorves water (important in urban studies and DRR). At that moment, I feeled as a cheap worker to big tech corporations…

So, I think your comment is very important, because people deserve to learn to truly map… and it is the spirit of the ‘colaborative mapping’, in other words, a mapping improved by the local people experiences… The known “local spatial knowledgement” in the scientific literature.

Finally, I would to thank you a lot for promoting a reasanable mapping, we are not “software pilots” with you, thank you!!! 💙

Web map of colaborative mapping for the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Dear mapeadora, Thank you so much. Yes! FOSS is powerful and very important to the public administration too, because of the nature of the public data (public domain). It is worrying to include this type of data in private (not open) repositories. OSM appears to be a solution that meets all these requirements. And Maricá City is our pilot (initial) municipality. So, keep in touch for more news! Cheers from Rio! 🌿

Mapping POI in OpenStreetMap and displaying dynamically with uMap

You’re welcome, KAWAMALA 👍

Libya Floods 2023 activation debrief and after action review

Pedrito1414, I remember this campaign… Always strong engagement… Do you have any material on strategies to improve the engagement of collaborating mappers? Excellent highlights about what went well and what can be improved. The collaborative experience really produces many insights… The issue of consultation in settlements could be the first step towards something more participatory (there are several levels of participation and the “consultative” type is the first level).

Web map of colaborative mapping for the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

Thank you, pedrito1414, Let’s stay in contact :)

Mapping for Flood Response in Hanang District, Manyara-Tanzania 2023


¿Qué puedo mapear para ayudar a mitigar el cambio climatico?

¡Excelente! Fue especial incluir la costa ;)

State of the Map Africa 2023 : une expérience inspirante et transformative au cœur du continent


The State of OpenStreetMap in Africa 2023

A complete outlook of the African OSM communities, congrats! 😀

Comentarios comunes que doy al validar proyectos con edificios en el Administrador de tareas de HOT

Errores muy frecuentes….excelente organización 😉

My Sotm Brazil 2023 conference, an incredible experience and a lot of knowledge about Brazilian projects

Parabéns! Parabéns! Que venham os próximos! 🎉

Sotm - State of the map Brazil 2023 conference

Parabéns! Super!! 👏🎉💗🌍💯

Apontamentos sobre a Capacitação em mapeamento com OpenStreetMap 2023

Grata! Ubuntu!